To all people sharing content bordering on CP or any doubtful legality
Like "Deltakappa10" or others like them
Most of us, who were here since many years, and even before that. Back on the
This was supposed to be a safe space for us all. Kind and fragile souls. Some of us who suffered abuse. Physical, mental or sexual alike.
I don't feel safe here. Not anymore.
I'd like to everyone sharing my concerns to repost that.
Thank you.
Reposted from mtsen
Consider flagging the post, then moving on, leaving it to admin do deal with the post, and not becoming a vigilante, slandering the suspect poster, posting inflammatory post like this one, and becoming a self-righteous judge and jury on what constitutes illegal posts.
or,maybe,you just go fuck yourself? have you tried that one?
We are not "self-righteous judges and jury". We are a concerned community with a common sense that don't want our beloved corner of the internet be infested with something wrong morally and ethically, to say the least. Especially if it even borders around a doubtful definition of legality, or even slightly goes beyond that (which definitely does in many legislations).
Safe to say that a majority of our beloved community don't and will not approve any presence of it no longer.
Also, as "oneeyed" suggested - go fuck yourself.