Okay than, here some Impressions from the current Garden State

I have the surviving Lavender,that made it back up again.

Thats on the right.The left side is one of this Years Jungleboxes,but with less seeds in it,so they have more space to grow. That Brench laying around there is the surviving Malve from last Year.She got free roaming rights for that part of the balcony.

and i have another Jungle Box.

This one will have a lot of new Malves in it,as it turns out. Gonna be a purple Autum :-)

Than there is the one Bo with the Surviving Petunias. The Candy colored are spreading and blossoming like ther eis no tomorrow,the ones in the middle are a bit struggeling to get the foot on th egas,and they are guarded and inspired by the other Nightsky Flower.

And than ther eis this on Plant in a Pot.I saw it in an actual Flower Shop,where i was looking for something nice. They seem to be another class. The Colors are extremly nice. I try to get some better shots when the sun comes up in the proper angle. (tricky this year,the Tree has developed it's widest self last year he could. Now we are running out of light here on the balcony.)

Than there you see this Hole in the background? there is a whole Bo waiting for something to grow in it. I'm still looking to find that bright powerfull red ones from last year. They have them in other colors so far,but the red ones i couldn't get.

But i got something that was called a balcony Garden box. So i had to take it.And it has the dark Purple Version of them in it.I like them as well. So hild on guys,this one is packed. It just like:

BAMM! Flowers!!111 All of them!

Be honest, if you were me,you couldn't let them stand there and walk by either. I think the Guy who arranged this was secretly spying on my online. Probably checking the Hashtag on my Garden Posts. Somethign like that.

On the Shelf i have the Student Flowers. I was looking for them for 3 weeks,and i got them their own Bo because last Year,some of the more rude ones grew all other them and took the light away. And they are orange,which gives them a vital Role here.

And than,i was shopping for bread and butte,rnot flowers or Plants,i saw those 2 little guys in a shelf at the Corner.I thought they are made out of rubbel,until i saw they sit in itsy bitsy teeny tiny Pots with Soil in it. And they are so orange they could be made out of TicTac. They are getting promoted to Junior Highschool flowers,supporting the Studentflowers on the orange front. Cause the lack of Sunlight this year.

They are so tiny,check out the lighter beside it. :-)


There is also another empty Box hanging on the outside,'cause i got ambitious last week when i saw it laying around in a shop. And i got some Hangers to fill.Which needs to be done carefully,becausee they need balance,hanging as they are.

Thats how far i got it. Lights my Days pretty much,sitting outside,even if homeoffice is ending soon.